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Release time:2021/11/26

Who am I

So, who am I?

Point in the guest officer adults, should know that my father iTR is a commercial cleaning robot, but WE are not Sun Wukong after all, can not jump out of the stone.

Before we answer the thought-provoking question “Who am I?” let’s take a look at the origin and development of cleaning robots. Welcome to Lecture Room (no, no, no).

In 1997, the first household sweeper robot (Sun Wukong in the sweeper) appeared in Sweden. This robot, according to the number of generations, how we also have to call a grandpa. The most obvious disadvantage is the random collision cleaning mode carried by the machine. This mode is put more generally, every time we clean the grandpa, like drunk, kuang Kuang Kuang randomly run.

Random collision cleaning mode is extremely inefficient in floor cleaning

The downside of this model is also very obvious. The cleanliness is very random, some places are very clean, some places are stolen. But the good news is that technology is advancing and The Times are calling! In just 24 years, the robot sweeping industry has been turned upside down. The change of the! Compared with the original robots, the current robots have greater suction, more accurate positioning and navigation technology, smarter obstacle avoidance schemes and more segmentation scenarios, such as ME, M2 Pro, a cleaning robot designed for commercial Spaces.

Guest officer, please remember my beautiful face ~

As a commercial cleaning robot, has a ground cleaning speed of 1800 square meters per hour, a single charge of more than 4h 120 liters of large water tank high precision map navigation positioning algorithm and so on and so on excellent quality, the robot has said! Tired!!! ! But there are still many friends who are curious about why commercial cleaning robots are so big, and what is the difference between commercial cleaning robots and household cleaning robots in essence? Today’s robot class will focus on those things about our commercial cleaning robot (pick up the notebook and write it down).

① Why so big?

Big, it seems, is the most obvious thing about commercial cleaning robots: Large volume and large water tank, spare parts, motor, etc., these large parameters, makes the commercial cleaning robot can at the same time to clean the floor ~ more compare to common household cleaning robots on the market, clean per hour within area of about 200 ㎡, and commercial cleaning robot, generally crossed 1000 ㎡ of candy per hour (hard wide: This robot M2 Pro can clean 1800 square meters per hour), in such an amazing parameter comparison, but also just proves that commercial cleaning robot in the use of the special scene –

Tailor-made for large commercial scenes.

②What are the differences between sensors?

In addition to the visible differences such as large size, there are also some differences in sensor configuration and working mode between commercial cleaning robots and household cleaning robots.

Before building the map, the robot uses its own sensors to sense its location and its surroundings. At present, there are no more than four kinds of sensors designed for building maps: GPS, lidar, vision sensors and ultrasonic radar. For household cleaning robots, a single commercial-grade lidar or vision sensor is usually sufficient.

Household sweeping robot of a brand

But for commercial cleaning robot, because of its application area is larger, the scene is more complex, so are equipped with sensors are reaching the industrial standard, and in the choice of sensors, carrying the laser radar, visual sensor and ultrasonic sensors, laser radar by emitting laser over a long distance, to determine the laser in the process of launch and recover the time difference, phase difference, To determine the size of space; The visual sensor can read the visual deviation of the same object from different angles, so as to obtain the three-dimensional geometry information of the object. By sending and receiving ultrasonic waves in real time, the ultrasonic sensor can sense objects in close distance, so as to ensure that the robot can stop working and bypass pedestrians in the face of sudden appearance of pedestrians in the first time, thus ensuring the safety of pedestrians to the maximum extent.

Location diagram of M2 Pro sensor

③What are the differences in drawing construction?

After the sense of location and the surrounding environment, the next step in the robot program is to build the map, the current household cleaning robot, the mainstream way of building the map for autonomous figure, robot through sensors and algorithms map size, and autonomic computing the optimal path, the way it is obvious that the benefits of convenient, fast. However, this scheme is obviously not suitable for the robot in the commercial scenario, because in the commercial scenario, the actual scene is larger, the road condition is more unstable, and it is easy to cause damage to the building. Therefore, the mainstream solution of major commercial cleaning robot manufacturers is to manually control the robot, build maps through multiple sensors attached to the body, and plan the path on the computer.

Map construction and path planning in real scenes

④ What’s the difference?

Nowadays, commercial cleaning robots have developed more functions for commercial scenarios. For example, the M2 Pro is actually a robot that focuses on floor cleaning and can simultaneously sweep the floor, mop the floor and absorb water. In addition, the M2 Pro has been equipped with the elevator control function, which can help the robot recognize the elevator and interact with the elevator to take the elevator to the designated floor, which is the household cleaning robot can not do and do not need to do. But in the business scenario, this feature is especially important, because it will be as an elevator, and people across the floor operations, makes the robot’s buyers can so truly authors synergies, help building more intelligent and efficient cleaning, and then give the scenario, customers and managers cleaner user experience.

Wait, wait, wait!

At the end of this article, I would like to ask you a thought-provoking question.

So, who am I?

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