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  • Tree planting and afforestation are now adding new greenery to the iTR plant
Release time:2018/03/13

Tree planting and afforestation are now adding new greenery to the iTR plant

The spring breeze is green again in Wukang Town, and it is time for tree planting and afforestation. On the morning of the 12th, with the arrival of the 40th Arbor Day, employees of the Robot Company organized a tree planting activity at the iTR Deqing plant area, which kicked off the company’s new year spring tree planting.

Tree planting and afforestation (1)

The employees picked up the shovels one after another and joined the tree planting activities together. Everyone works in teams of two, working in a division of labor, digging pits with spades, straightening seedlings, and cultivating soil compaction. Every step is done well, and there is a full-blown labor scene everywhere.

Tree planting and afforestation (2)

Tree planting and afforestation (3)

Picture: Company employees planting trees

This is the first Arbor Day activity of its robots. This activity not only adds green and vitality to the iTR plant, but also raises everyone’s awareness of environmental protection and establishes the concept of “green home, starting from me”. . At the same time, it also enhances the tacit understanding and communication between teamwork, puts into the future work with a better mental state, and contributes to the vigorous development of the company.

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