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  • The National People’s Congress and the National People’s Political Consultative Conference will help solve the problem of large investment in the robot industry, long production cycle, and difficult research and development.
Release time:2016/03/08

The National People’s Congress and the National People’s Political Consultative Conference will help solve the problem of large investment in the robot industry, long production cycle, and difficult research and development.

Recently, at two sessions in the country, the Central Committee of the Democratic People’s Republic of China put forward proposals on how to build a powerful nation in the robot industry. In recent years, under the vigorous promotion of the state, the robot industry in our country has developed rapidly, and a robot industrial chain has been initially formed from research and development to industrial application. At the same time, the pressure on the development of the robot industry cannot be ignored. It is understood that, at present, the robot industry in our country has a serious fault between the basic and original research results and the R & D products, the conversion rate of achievements and the rate of industrialization are not high, seriously restricting the development of robotics and automation equipment industries. The application of high- end industries, almost monopolized by international brands. Some industrial robot core components rely on more than 70% of imports, the cost of imports accounted for more than 40% of the total cost; robot industry into a large, R & D and production cycle is relatively long, the development of a considerable difficulty.

The Central Committee of the Democratic National Construction Association suggests that one is that our country should speed up the implementation of industrial policies and strengthen the coordination of organizations. We will implement the State Council policies to support the development of new industries and high-end equipment manufacturing industries, encourage cities around the country to obtain special state support funds and step up publicity on the development of preferential policies for high-end equipment manufacturing. Learn from the experience of German Industry 4.0 practices, and actively target “Made in China 2025″ strategic plan.

The second is to strengthen fiscal and taxation policy support and development of the robot industry protection mechanism. At all levels of financial support for the development of emerging industries funds, increase the robots such intelligent manufacturing equipment enterprises to support efforts, focusing on their tilt. Strengthen the integration of related resources, increase investment in matching, the funds are mainly used to support the robot intelligent manufacturing equipment industry base construction, key enterprises and high-end major equipment innovation demonstration projects. Give play to the role of VAT in promoting the technological progress of enterprises.

Third, innovate financial support and create a policy service environment. Vigorously develop the financial leasing industry, and promote the establishment of a variety of capital to create intelligent robot leasing companies. Continue to promote intelligent manufacturing enterprises to use the capital market to become stronger and bigger. Support for robot manufacturing SMEs listed in the appropriate plate, the market, to help solve the difficulties of high-end equipment manufacturing enterprises landing in the capital market; implementation of bond financing support policies to encourage high-end equipment manufacturing enterprises to use bond financing.

Fourth, build a batch of robots intelligent manufacturing industry base. On the basis of fully analyzing the industrial advantages and demand advantages of the region, a batch of demonstration bases for robot industry and a carrier for the intelligent equipment manufacturing industry and the robotics professional park will be set up in a planned and targeted manner.

Fifth is to actively build a robot industry innovation system. Relying on domestic and foreign research institutions, the integration of Internet + technology, accelerate the construction of robotics research and development platform, business incubation and entrepreneurship platform, intermediary and advisory services platform and other industrial innovation platform. Guide the establishment of a robot intelligent manufacturing industry alliance to promote intelligent manufacturing enterprises and their upstream and downstream industries in technological innovation, industry exchange, promotion and application to strengthen exchanges and cooperation.

Sixth, is to speed up the robot industry personnel training. To further strengthen the strategic cooperation with internationally renowned institutions in the development of the robot industry, with its advantages in resources, scientific research and professional education, to create an international high-quality training platform for personnel, to introduce and nurture a group of high-end innovative entrepreneurs who urgently need the robot industry , Enhance the training of highly qualified personnel and innovation and development capabilities. Increase robot innovation team, the introduction of innovative talents.

(Source: China Industry News)

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